We are looking for you

To be consist­ently successful for 150 years – this requires constant market orient­a­tion and creative, competent and reli­able people with pion­eering spirit and team-player char­ac­ter­istics in our own ranks.

As an attractive employer in the chem­ical industry Brügge­mann offers the advant­ages of a medium-sized company: short decision paths, taking respons­ib­ility early on, and inter­dis­cip­linary task areas – in an inter­na­tional envir­on­ment.

We also attach great import­ance to our manner of cooper­a­tion and lead­er­ship, for which we have clear guidelines.

With approx­im­ately 300 employees world­wide, we achieve annual sales of more than EUR 200 million (2024). Whether you’re begin­ning your career or are a seasoned profes­­sional: Brügge­­mann is growing and is recruiting in different fields. "Prima Klima" (great atmo­­sphere) – this you can also expect from us. As an employer we take respon­s­ib­ility for our employees and like to give some­thing back.

Here you can read in detail what we do for good team­­work and a good work atmo­­sphere in our company:

Prima-Klima Brochure.

Currently we are looking for:

If you are looking for job oppor­tun­ities in Germany please go to our career homepage in German.

There is no suit­able job oppor­tunity for you?

We look forward to receiving your proactive applic­a­tion - send a mail to applic­a­tion@bruegge­mann.com


We like to train our special­ists and our managers of tomorrow ourselves – whether in commer­­­cial, scientific, or tech­n­ical profes­­sions. An above-average accept­ance rate shows that we attach great import­ance to working together for the long term! As a trainee at Brügge­­mann, you will get to know as many depart­­ments of the company as possible. We guar­antee qual­i­fied, process-oriented training, and it’s also fun to start your profes­­sional life with us!

We look forward to your applic­a­­tion as a trainee/student (m/f/x) for:

  • Chem­ical worker
  • Labor­atory chemist
  • Indus­trial clerk
  • Inform­a­­tion tech­no­­logy assistant
  • Ware­­house logistics specialist m/f
  • Elec­tronics tech­n­i­­cian for indus­trial engin­eering
  • Mechat­ronics Tech­n­i­­cian
  • Process mech­anic for plastics and rubber tech­no­­logy
  • Bach­elor of Engin­eering, Mechat­ronics
  • Bach­elor of Engin­eering, Indus­trial Engin­eering in Chem­­istry and Process Tech­no­­logy

Student intern­­ship at Brügge­­mann

We offer high school students the oppor­­tunity to get better acquainted with the Brügge­­mann company through an intern­­ship.

Whether in the tech­n­ical or commer­­­cial area, Brügge­­mann employees show you what is important in the respective profes­­sion and explain inter­­re­la­­tion­­ships.


Steffen Augustin

Personnel officer

Tel.: +49 71 31 15 75-0

Fax: +49 71 31 15 75 -25 111

steffen.augustin (at) brueggemann.com