Research and Development Brüggemann

Our forge of the future

Always one step ahead

We make our customers’ products more durable, better, more effi­cient, and less prone to wear – and we are constantly finding new solu­tions to do this. Our product managers in Marketing, our special­ists in Applic­a­tion Tech­no­logy and in our Research and Devel­op­ment Depart­ment keep close track of the major issues of the indus­tries of the future. They accord­ingly keep devel­oping the Brügge­mann product port­folio – always in dialog with the customer. And they know:

We are only fit for the future if our customers are moving ahead.

So the require­ments imposed on our products are constantly growing: key tech­no­lo­gies in flux and customers that want and need to increase their productivity. Our problem-solving compet­ence includes how we anti­cipate devel­op­ments – that we already know today what chal­lenges our customers will face tomorrow. The Brügge­mann product port­folio is accord­ingly diverse and differ­en­ti­ated. And the trend is upwards. Devel­oping some­thing new motiv­ates us, and so does finding custom-tailored solu­tions.

We are happy to take the time to do this. With our own Applic­a­tion Tech­no­logy organ­iz­a­tion and state-of-the-art labor­atory we offer a leading-edge infra­struc­ture. Our customers can be sure:

The quality and efficacy of our products are subject to in-depth testing. What we also focus on is the re-usab­ility and sustain­ab­ility of polymer mater­ials. As we know all too well, devel­op­ment never stops.

Do you want to tap further poten­tial in your company and increase productivity?

We deliver solu­tions made to measure.

Contact us.