Reducing Agents Brüggemann

Reducing Agents

Since 1926, Brügge­­mann has success­­fully manu­­fac­tured and sold Brug­golite® sulfur based redu­­cing agents. Based on Sodium Form­al­de­hyde Sulfoxylate, the very first indus­trial chem­ical from Brügge­­mann, our devel­op­­ment expertise has expanded the applic­a­­tion areas where these products enable our customers to improve their mater­­ials.

Brügge­­mann is the first company to offer a sulfur-based form­al­de­hyde free redu­­cing agent, Brug­golite® FF6 M.  Our unique R&D activ­ities continue to develop new, envir­on­­ment­ally friendly grades of redu­­cing agents that provide addi­­tional bene­fits.  In addi­­tion to Brug­golite® grades in solid form, we also produce redu­­cing agents in stable liquid form for customers that want to avoid the hand­ling of solids.             

Our water soluble redu­­cing agents are supplied glob­ally to improve emul­­sion poly­­mers. New regu­latory demands for VOC/Form­al­de­hyde reduc­­tion in coat­ings and adhes­ives are achiev­­able with our advanced redu­­cing agents, enabling water­­borne poly­­mers to replace solvent based mater­­ials in many areas. Other typical indus­trial uses include textile, paper, and mineral bleaching.

Would you like to parti­cipate in one of the courses of the "Brügge­mann Insti­tute of Redox Chem­istry"? You can choose from a total of 18 courses, the one that suits you best.

A list of the current courses is avail­able here. Please contact us if you have any ques­tions or would like to make an appoint­ment for one of the courses - we look forward to hearing from you!

Advanced Form­al­de­hyde Free Redu­cing Agents

Form­al­de­hyde free redu­­cing agents from Brügge­­mann enable solu­­tions for the latest tech­n­ical chal­lenges of envir­on­­mental aware­­ness, rising quality demands, and improved applic­a­­tion perform­ance. Our products and tech­­niques enable emul­­sion polymer produ­cers to improve effi­­ciency with more sustain­­able raw mater­­ials. All offer the following attrib­utes:

  • Form­al­de­hyde and VOC free
  • Increased react­ivity – better perform­ance at lower dosage and time
  • Low to zero residual free monomer level
  • Non yellowing
  • FDA Direct Food Contact approval
  • Dust free micro gran­ules

Redu­cing Agent TP 1646

Redu­cing Agent TP 1646 offers excep­tional process robust­ness and effi­ciency in emul­sion poly­mer­iz­a­tion – form­al­de­hyde-free, stable in an acidic pH area, and odor­less. With higher resist­ance to temper­ature, it can be applied flex­ibly, redu­cing costs and optim­izing both main and post-poly­mer­iz­a­tion.

Brug­golite® FF6 M

Brug­golite® FF6 M is the first form­al­de­hyde free sulfur based redu­­cing agent which enables adher­­ence to strin­­gent regu­latory require­­ments of emul­­sion poly­­mers.
Recom­­mended pH range 4-8.  Effective as low as 20 °C for main and post poly­­mer­­­iz­a­­tion.

Brug­golite® E28

Brug­golite® E28 offers improved perform­ance for emul­­sion poly­­mers requiring a redu­­cing agent applied at a pH range of 2-4.

Redu­cing Agent TP 1853

TP 1853 is a new form­al­de­hyde free grade with wide pH and temper­­ature range. It offers improved perform­ance in vinyl acetate emul­­sion poly­­mers.

Redu­cing Agent TP 1651

TP 1651 is a new form­al­de­hyde free grade with wide pH and temper­­ature range. It demon­strates excel­lent perform­ance in styrene acrylate emul­­sion poly­­mers and better perform­ance with hydro­­phobic monomers such as 2-EHA and Butyl Acrylate.

Conven­tional Redu­cing Agents

Since 1926, Brügge­­mann has continu­ously manu­­fac­tured Sodium Form­al­de­hyde Sulfoxylate (SFS) in high volumes at our dedic­ated produc­­tion facil­ities in Heil­bronn, Germany.

Our histor­ical rela­­tion­­ship with customers has enabled us to optimize this indus­trial chem­ical for numerous applic­a­­tions with our high quality, low impurity products. We offer an entire port­­folio of SFS based redu­­cing agents, typic­ally used for emul­­sion poly­­mer­­­iz­a­­tion, mineral bleaching, and discharge printing.

Brug­golite® E01

Brug­golite® E01 (SFS) redu­­cing agent is avail­­able as fast dissolving powder with excel­lent water solu­bility or dust-free gran­ular solid form.  Suit­­able for use in acidic and alkaline envir­on­­ments.

Brug­golite® L40/L35/NO 5

Brug­golite® L40 (40%), L35 (35%), and NO 5 (40%) are aqueous solu­­tions of SFS supplied in poly­­ethylene drums, IBC totes, or tankers for customers that prefer not to dissolve solid SFS on site. Brug­golite® NO 5 offers reduced odor.

Brug­golite® NF

This unique SFS based redu­­cing agent in powder form is used to stabilize solu­­tions and prepar­a­­tions in the phar­ma­ceut­ical industry. Certi­fied to meet US phar­ma­­copeia require­­ments.

Sodium Hydro­sulphite

Also known as sodium dith­ionite, in use since the early 20th century. The first stable redu­­cing agent used on an indus­trial scale for vat dyeing of Indigo.

New fields of applic­a­­tion include:

Textile Industry

  • Reduc­­tion of vat dyes
  • Reductive clearing of poly­­ester dyeing
  • Cleaning of the vat and other equip­­ment
  • Reductive bleaching of cotton, animal and plant fibers
  • Optical bright­ening of viscose and nylon fibers

Paper Bleaching

  • Reductive bleaching of recycled paper
  • Reductive bleaching of ground­­wood pulp, TMP and CTMP

Mineral bleaching, (kaolin or clay)

Elec­tro­­plating (detox­i­fic­a­­tion of chrome containing wastewater)

Anti­ox­id­izing Agents for Anti-yellowing

Our unique sulfur-based, water-soluble anti­­ox­id­ants success­­fully prevent discol­or­a­­tion of emul­­sion poly­­mers caused by high temper­­ature and oxygen exposure. VOC and form­al­de­hyde free.

TP 1605

TP 1605 is an anti­ox­idant for water-based emul­­sion poly­­mers and solid poly­­mers.

  • Heat resistant up to 150°C
  • Best used in alkaline envir­on­­ment, pH > 8

TP 1634

TP 1634 is an anti­­ox­id­ant for water-based emul­­sion poly­­mers and solid poly­­mers.

  • Heat resistant up to 200°C
  • Best used in acidic envir­on­­ment, pH < 7


Matthias Lubik

Global Product Manager Reducing Agents

Tel.: +49 71 31 15 75-225

Fax: +49 71 31 15 75-25 225

matthias.lubik (at)

Dr. Jan Klitschke

Sales Management Reducing Agents EMEA

Tel.: +49 71 31 15 75-300

Fax: +49 71 31 15 75-25 300

jan.klitschke (at)

Elen Kaden

Customer Service Reducing Agents

Tel.: +49 71 31 15 75-129

Fax: +49 71 31 15 75-25 129

elen.kaden (at)

Anke Ritter

Customer Service Reducing Agents

Tel.: +49 71 31 15 75-304

Fax: +49 71 31 15 75-25 304

anke.ritter (at)

Markus Piotrowsky

Sales Management Zinc Derivatives and Hydrosulfite

Tel.: +49 71 31 15 75-130 

Fax: +49 71 31 15 75-25 130

markus.piotrowsky (at)