AP-NYLON Additives Brüggemann

AP-NYLON® Additives

L. Brügge­mann GmbH & Co. KG is one of the world's leading providers of raw mater­ials for the produc­tion of cast poly­amide. Cata­lysts, activ­ators, and option­ally other addit­ives for impact-resist­ance modi­fic­a­tion or heat stabil­iz­a­tion can be selected from our port­folio of the BRUG­GOLEN® C series and NYRIM® series. We are glad to share our product know-how with our customers. Moreover, we rely on intensive research and devel­op­ment in the area of anionic poly­mer­iz­a­tion. AP-NYLON® addit­ives make a key contri­bu­tion to obtaining a struc­tur­ally improved poly­amide with high impact strength and a long service life. With these advant­ageous char­ac­ter­istics, AP-NYLON® cast poly­amide consist­ently opens up new applic­a­tions. Our “Rough & Tough” material is ideal for use in the trans­port sector, for indus­trial facil­ities, in resid­en­tial and road construc­tion, in safety, and in mining. Typical products of cast poly­amide extend from large, low-tension semi-finished products, such as bars, tubes, and plates, to complex, often thick-walled molded parts that cannot be manu­fac­tured through injec­tion molding or extru­sion.


The palette of BRUG­GOLEN® C addit­ives includes cata­lysts and activ­ators, custom-tailored for the produc­tion of high-quality cast poly­amide through anionic poly­mer­iz­a­tion. In further devel­op­ment and innov­a­tion for our product systems, we focus not only on efficacy and effi­ciency, but also on sustain­ab­ility. With other addit­ives, such as heat-aging stabil­izers and processing agents, Brügge­mann supports customers in creating versatile products. And this includes product consulting.

BRUG­GOLEN® C: addit­ives for produ­cing AP-NYLON® cast poly­amide

Addit­ives for the Activ­ator Side

Solid Activ­ators
BRUG­GOLEN® C20PHighly effective activ­ator0.5 to 1.5 %
BRUG­GOLEN® C25Extends processing time before solid­i­fic­a­­tion0.5 to 1.5 %
Liquid Activ­ator
BRUG­GOLEN® C235Liquid activ­ator (without N-ethyl­­pyrrolidone, which is toxic to repro­­duc­­tion)0.5 to 1.5 %
Stabil­izers and Colors
BRUG­GOLEN® C313Stab­il­­izer for temper­­at­ures up to 120°C0.3 %
BRUG­GOLEN® TP-C1608Stab­il­­izer for temper­­at­ures up to 150°C0.3 %
BRUG­GOLEN® C403Black color­a­­tion< 0.1%
BRUG­GOLEN® C407Blue color­a­tion0.05%
BRUG­GOLEN® TP-C1704Light­sta­bil­iz­a­tion0.50%
Impact modi­fic­ator
BRUG­GOLEN® TP-C1312Liquid impact-resist­ance modi­fiers1.5 to 40%

Addit­ives for the Cata­lyst Side

BRUG­GOLEN® C10Highly effective cata­lyst0.5 to 1.5 %
BRUG­GOLEN® TP-C1601Solid meth­anol-free cata­lyst0.5 to 1.5 %
Impact modi­fic­ator
BRUG­GOLEN® C540Liquid impact modi­fic­ator1.5 to 25 %


Maximum impact strength, even at the icy temper­ature of -40°C: NYRIM® is a ther­mo­plastic with extremely high dimen­sional stability over a temper­ature range of -40 to 140°C – and thus ideal for extreme applic­a­tions in the “Rough and Tough” field.

NYRIM® parts can be manu­fac­tured econom­ic­ally and with a wide variety of shapes and designs. NYRIM® is an elast­omer-modi­fied AP-NYLON® with prop­er­ties that can be select­ively adjusted, through vari­ation of the elast­omer propor­tion, depending on the use of the material. Even rein­force­ment mater­ials and/or fillers, inserts, or glass mats can be poly­mer­ized into NYRIM® parts. NYRIM® 2000 consists of up to 70% capro­lactam, NYRIM® C1 cata­lyst, NYRIM® P1-30 prepolymer. Other addit­ives, such as BRUG­GOLEN® C313, enable use at higher temper­at­ures.

NYRIM® addit­ives for produ­cing cast poly­amide: 

Addit­ives for the Activ­ator Side

Liquid Activ­ators
NYRIM® P1-30
High molecular-weight activ­ator15 to 44 %
NYRIM® P1-20A PrepolymerHigh molecular-weight activ­ator11 to 22 %
Nyrim Process Aids
NYRIM® Mould
Release B
Release agent (internal)0.2 to 0.5 %
NYRIM® Foam-Stabil­izerReduces macro­­scopic shrinkage0.3 to 0.5 %
NYRIM® Additive 6 PlusImproves yield in machining semi-finished products2 to 5 %

Addit­ives for the Cata­lyst Side

NYRIM® C1 Cata­lystSolid, magnesium-based cata­lyst4 to 8 %
Product for Molds
NYRIM® Mould SealerImproves release from the mold 

AP-NYLON® Capro­lactam

AP-NYLON® Capro­lactam is used as the main component in the produc­tion of cast poly­amide. In addi­tion, this monomer is used in many fields as an additive, for example in manu­fac­turing adhes­ives or melamine.

Compared to standard Capro­lactam, AP-NYLON® Capro­lactam has a lower water content (<100 ppm). This is accom­panied by an optimal reac­tion and a reduced tend­ency for agglom­er­a­tion, which offers advant­ages in dosing and hand­ling. To avoid water absorp­tion and agglom­er­a­tion also in trans­port and storage, AP-NYLON® Capro­lactam is stored and trans­ported as a liquid under dry nitrogen and it is delivered as a solid in aluminum-lined sacks. Addi­tional applic­a­tion areas for AP-NYLON® Capro­lactam:

  • Impact-resist­ance modi­fier for melamine-coated chip­board
  • Blocking agent for isocy­anates
  • Process aid for poly­amide film processing
  • Cross-linking agent for urethane-poly­ester coat­ings

For better reada­bi­lity select „two-page-view“. 


Matthias Lubik

Global Product Manager Reducing Agents

Tel.: +49 71 31 15 75-225

Fax: +49 71 31 15 75-25 225

matthias.lubik (at) brueggemann.com