Optimization of the process for the post-reaction of polymer dispersions

Polymer disper­sions are used in emul­sion paints, water-based paints and similar coating formu­la­tions. Manu­fac­turers of these polymer disper­sions have so far been able to contribute to lower contents of volatile organic compon­ents (so-called VOCs) in the corres­ponding end product by removing the residual monomers in the disper­sion. This prevented negative effects such as odor or yellowing and signi­fic­antly reduced envir­on­mental pollu­tion. However, the long reac­tion times proved to be a disad­vantage with this method. Brügge­mann has there­fore developed a process that enables manu­fac­turers of polymer disper­sions to reduce produc­tion costs while short­ening reac­tion and process times.

Free monomers are chem­ical compon­ents that did not react. They can there­fore evap­orate from the polymer disper­sion and cause the negative effects described above. Redox couples are chem­ical reac­tion part­ners with the help of which a polymer disper­sion can be subsequently "cleaned" of these free monomers. The free monomers are converted into so-called poly­mers, which can no longer escape from the polymer disper­sion.

The subsequent cleaning of the polymer disper­sions as described makes the corres­ponding end products (such as wall paints or water-based varnishes) almost odor-free and the envir­on­mental pollu­tion due the produc­tion process is signi­fic­antly reduced.

Conven­tional post-reac­tions, which are carried out with redox couples, already lead to a low content of free monomers. However, this method leads to long reac­tion times, which signi­fic­antly increase both produc­tion times and produc­tion costs. In order to avoid these disad­vant­ages, Brügge­mann has found a way to reduce the reac­tion time to achieve faster conver­sion at lower temper­at­ures.

There­fore, an optim­iz­a­tion study of so-called redox post-reac­tions was carried out. In the R&D depart­ment of Brügge­mann, various redox combin­a­tions and different dosing rates were tested in order to achieve optimal results with regard to minimum dosage of redox while guar­an­teeing lowest residual monomer contents within a short time frame. This objective was achieved, and the reac­tion time was reduced by up to 75%.

The optim­iz­a­tion tests carried out by our R&D depart­ment led to polymer disper­sions with improved prop­er­ties, which paint manu­fac­turers have been able to confirm in prac­tice. It is important for Brügge­mann to be the missing link for its customers in the future through the optim­iz­a­tion of manu­fac­turing processes and innov­ative product devel­op­ments of this kind!

Would you like to receive more inform­a­tion about the study described? Then please contact our respons­ible product manager Matthias Lubik.


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